Principal's Welcome
Welcome to the South Rock State School community. We aim to build pride and belonging for all students and staff as we engage in learning experiences within our school.
At South Rock State School we take our role of supporting our students with their learning seriously and commit to working collaboratively with our families to ensure learning experiences are inclusive, engaging and age appropriate.
We refer to belonging as an extension of this collaboration, our school is a family, and strong connections and communication form the basis of our partnerships between the classroom and home. Strong working relationships between school and home will always remain a key focus of our staff, the leadership team and the families at our school.
Our school motto, 'Building pride, belonging to our community', underpins our expectations here at South Rock State School. We want all staff and students to show pride in their actions, appearance, effort and achievements in everything they do.
At South Rock State School, we provide opportunities for students to achieve their very best and be proud of their achievements through experiences and activities across academic pursuits, sporting, artistic activities and cultural activities.
Our goal at South Rock State School is to ensure we foster and encourage our students to be and do their very best and be proud of their achievements. We strive for a positive working culture that provides the best possible outcomes for all of our students and families, whilst making South Rock State School.
Aaron Jones